Todays men & women want to look as good as they feel



I’ve just come back from the annual anti-ageing conference in Monaco.  As always, it was an incredibly inspiring experience with world experts presenting on all sorts of topics related to ageing well.

There was a big emphasis on what’s happening inside our bodies at a cellular level and how this impacts both the way we look and feel.

In previous newsletters I’ve mentioned the supplement “NAD Time” by Nuchido which I sell at my clinics.  I’ve now taken it myself for 3 months and I do feel sharper, more energetic and optimistic about life.  “NAD Time”  is a cellular health supplement which increases the regenerative capacity of our cells.  Our natural NAD levels decline by 50% every twenty years after age 20.  Supplementation increases energy levels, improves sleep, and reduces brain fog.  Basically, supplementation makes you feel younger and I urge you to invest in your cellular health by giving it a try.

Cost £60 per month including delivery (Nuchido quote £70  through their website).


As you know, over the 25 years I’ve been in aesthetic medicine I have always maintained that from a treatment perspective with Botox® and fillers we have all the tools we need to maintain a fresh, youthful appearance.  Medical grade skincare, ideally incorporating tretinoin, is also important to improve skin quality.

There’s nothing like Botox® to give you that freshness and glow to your skin.  However, if you want to really improve the way you look, you should rethink fillers.

Fillers have had bad press in recent years.  It’s not surprising that they have become linked to inflated cheeks and lips and to an overall artificial look.

The fear of looking unnatural is what deters many of you from fillers.  However, if fillers are used in small quantities in many areas of the face, the effect can be rejuvenating and entirely natural.

Knowledge of how the face ages helps us to focus on how to restore youth to the face.  Basically, all tissue of the face become less dense, particularly during the menopause which is why HRT is so important in those able to use it.  These tissues includes bone, ligaments, fat compartments and skin.  Basically, the skin, which is already thinning is sitting on a smaller face structure.  It therefore sags, resulting in those nose to mouth lines and droopy mouth corners we all despise so much.

The bone of the lower face (mandible) ages fastest.  This means that the chin shortens and loses projection. The skin over the jawline which was tight and straight at age 20 becomes saggy and curved.  A double chin can often be more noticeable even in those of normal weight.

All depressing stuff, but the good news is that all these problems can be solved by precise, small quantities of filler.

What do we all do to mimic the effects of a face lift?  We place our fingers in front of our ears and pull back the skin.  This area is fundamentally the most important to treat with fillers – the outer cheekbone – the area in front of the ears and the bony angle of the jaw.  Treating these areas first provides structural support but does not materially change the shape of the face.  If anything, the face will appear slimmer.  By correcting these areas, we need less filler when it comes to fine tuning other areas, eg. under eye shadows, nose to mouth lines.

Not all fillers are the same.  I only use Juvederm by Allergan – highly researched, evidence based, safe and very long-lasting (years not months).  But with the reassurance that they can be rapidly dissolved if desired.

How many fillers are needed to provide optimum correction?  You might be surprised to hear that probably the most skilled injector in the world needs 15 to 20 syringes to fully correct and beautify the average middle aged face.  Originally a plastic surgeon, he now only uses fillers to achieve the effects of a really good face lift, without the risk and downtime.  His results are absolutely extraordinary.  I’ve been watching his live injections at conferences over the past 20 years.  At the conference last week he used 18 fillers on a lady in her late 40s. Photographs straight afterwards made her look not only 10 years younger, but far more attractive.

I appreciate that not everyone has this sort of budget and many of you will not need this number of fillers.  For some time, I’ve been offering a complimentary syringe once you’ve paid for 4  taken within a 6 month period. With 5 syringes targeting a chosen area, you will achieve a noticeable improvement which should last for 2 years or more.


We stock this renowned medical grade skincare range, the most popular products including Vitamin C products (CE Ferulic and Phloretin CF, AGE moisturising creams and retinols).  They are not yet featured on our website alongside our standard Obagi range.  Please email us if you’d like to order your favourite products.  We’ll provide prices, our bank details and will send your products out to you by tracked, first class post.


Monday: am Wimbledon Park, pm Richmond

Tuesday: am Richmond, pm Wimbledon Park

Wednesday: pm Wimbledon Park

Thursday: am Wimbledon Park, pm Richmond (excluding Bath clinic dates)

Saturdays available in Wimbledon Park

April 11th, May 9th, June 13th, July 11th, September 12th


April 12th, May/June/July to be advised


May 25th, July 20th, September 28th


May 26th, July 21st, September 29th

July 27th to August 10th
I look forward to seeing you at one of the St John Clinics again soon.

With all best wishes,

Lady St John of Bletso MBChB MRCOG MBCAM
Dr Helen St John
020 8946 9694
